ESLA Bloggers' Forum: Welcome to Blog at ESLA Bloggers

Welcome to Blog at ESLA Bloggers

This space is an initiative towards the creation of the ESLA magazine. The blog aims to collect and publish various written material from the English Solutions' students for educational purposes. The collection takes place in this blog, which can be revised, edited and commented during the collection period. The final material will then be published in the form of a handy magazine that besides making us all proud of our achievements will serve as a testimony of our mutual history and progress.

English Solutions Latin America invites all our students/clients with colleagues, as well as our teachers/consultants to join this initiative and start blogging about whatever topic you find interesting. We encourage you all to use this opportunity to seriously take up a writing habit, to improve your writing skills and maybe even to start developing a writing career. There is probably a book inside each and every one of us that waits to be written one day, and what better way to start discovering its content than writing about whatever comes to mind. From personal accounts of your working or private life to more in depth journalism style writing, welcome to write!

The objective is to publish the ESLA magazine once a month with the first issue as soon as possible in 2010, consisting of the contributions collected in this blog. All contributions are welcome, no matter if you're on a basic English level or already an advanced writer, if you're interested in writing only once or twice or really interested in becoming a regular columnist in the magazine. Our most important reader base will be you, the students of English Solutions, so all levels of English writing is important.

Become a blogger now and send us your contribution to

Any questions can be emailed to the above address or posted as comments to this post.

Examples of writings:

* Article Writing
* Blogging
* Book Reviewing
* Business Plans
* Business Proposals
* Communications Writing
* Content Editing
* Content Writing
* Creative Writing
* Documentation Writing
* Entertainment Writing
* Financial Writing
* Journalism
* News & Journalism
* Research
* Reviews Writing
* Technical Writing
* Travel Writing