ESLA Bloggers' Forum: Lie To Me - Great TV


Lie To Me - Great TV

This month was initiated with a 10 minutes long section of a great new TV-series. First class with the material we worked with a 2-minute section only, focusing on understanding an interrogation with a suspect (the bad guy) his lawyer, a scientist and the FBI behind the spotlights. The idea was to understand the scene first by only listening to the interrogation. I (the teacher) knew this was a relatively advanced group, but I was much surprised that on the very first listening my students could identify correctly the main characters, and that the scene was an interrogation. To know that the interrogator was the scientist was not too easy though, but on a the second listening things started to become clearer. Additionally, the scientist was British, which added to the difficulty of understanding the otherwise already fast English.

A couple of listenings, a checking of complicated vocabulary in the transcript and a full-video watch later, the complete picture was revealed. An interesting topic with focus on body-language and "micro-expressions" was very much welcomed by the students as a part of their English comprehension progress. Let's see how much more of this we'll include in the forthcoming sessions.


1 comment:

  1. Fox, Mondays 10 pm! A tip from V.
